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“Harvest Jewels” is a path to intimacy inspired by the Father — a collection of “Words” from the Father received and recorded so that you, too, may experience an intimate dialogue with our beloved Creator. On this path you will find “jewels” of revelation and wisdom given for those who desire to hear His voice. They will light your path and give you courage and direction. They will lead you to the “Secret place of the Most High.” – DM

Enjoy 55 days of God’s wisdom.

“And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels…” (Malachi 3:17)

Day 1 . . . Cherish My Jewels

“I am putting jewels in your heart. Cherish them.”

Day 2 . . .  Love Them All

“All My words carry the truths you need. There are many truths beyond the books you are reading … as there is more love you can give beyond the love you are giving. You wouldn’t choose just “some” truths from My words and apply them as you see fit, would you? Just the same, do not love just some of My children and reject the ones you “feel” you should not love.

I have said, “Love them all, the good ones, the bad ones and all the ones in between.” You see … by choosing who to open your heart to, you are doing it all by yourself. Do not shelter that. Do not. I do not give orders. I give you the truths to follow and a free will. But I do tell you I want you with Me.”

Day 3 . . .  Keep doing

“I made a promise that I would not forsake My children. I am trying you. I am giving you hope, security and dreams ahead of you. I realize that My children get frustrated, impatient, incapable, impossible. Forgetting what they’ve got, where they’ve come from and where they’re going.

A lot depends on you not getting tired. Keep doing, keep dreaming, keep reaching and loving. KEEP DOING. I need you like that. I know My children and I know what they are feeling and doing. I know even their deepest thought.”

Day 4 . . .  March upon My words

“It is not repetition of My words to you that you get the message. My message comes to you by your own realization of the truth concealed in the message. It is like giving you wine and tasting the fruit in it.

March upon My words and discover the depth of My words, My love. I await you with love. Pass on that love. Regret nothing. There is nothing behind you, only promises in front of you; and today, the moment you are living is what counts.”

Day 5 . . .  The image of My Son

“To attain the peace … to reach your place by Me … to extend that peace to yours … to achieve your goals … live with Me at each and every moment.

Even during the time it takes to blink. Keep the image of My Son within you … and He will do it for you. Start right now. Feel Him. Adore Him. Give Him His place in your heart. And He will do wonders.

Like the “impossibles” you have witnessed Him do in your life. And with an appreciative heart, take them, these wonders, and pass them on to your loved ones. Trust, love and share the blessings. Be alert, be aware, care for your loved ones. Teach them this and they will walk the right way. Don’t just listen to their crying, listen to their silence, too.”

Day 6 . . .  Jesus is here with Me

“Evil will come in front of you and surprise you in many ways. Talk to Me often. Let Me console you in your pain. Let Me enjoy with you in your happiness. Blessed be those children who hear My voice. Permeate My words into your daily life and you will succeed.

Every beginning has its hardships, but I am always with you and remember, ALL IS WELL. Do not for one minute step away from the Light. I am the Light that you see. One day you will see My face.

Jesus is here with Me smiling at seeing you enthused with your life. Keep the enthusiasm. The energy that you have will always be there. And remember, ALL IS WELL.”

Day 7 . . .  I am always speaking

“It is My deepest and strongest desire to have all My children around Me. I call them all; just a few come, even less than that stay. I have called you to Me; I have had you by My side. I want to keep you there.

Don’t destroy what I have built… arguments, judgments, criticism, these are done without My authority, without My approval. I AM LOVE! And there is no love in your words when you talk like that. Go forward with your choice of words and actions. I am always speaking – you should always listen.”

Day 8 . . .  Avoid evil

“Do not make your choices based on circumstances created by evil. But avoid evil by changing what provokes the circumstances.”

Day 9 . . .  Listen and change

“Be responsible, loving and honestly true. Listen and change. Do not take advantage of the blessings I have sent your way in the form of help and partnership. Respond to the help your partner has been giving to you.

I won’t leave My children alone … but I surely will try to teach them the truth of life, even if it takes to deprive them of everything … even if it takes forever.”

Day 10 . . .  I am the answer

“I cannot force love into your hearts. I cannot force forgiveness. I cannot force understanding. I cannot force appreciation for one another. Like many other things it is up to you. I have already placed the answers within you. Look within. I have placed the solution there already.

But I enjoy having My children come to Me, even if it is to tell them: I have already answered this question before. The answer to all, I have.”

Day 11 . . .  My will

“My will can’t be forced into your lives. It has to be found by you, desired by you. In other words, it is your choice to be united — to walk together the path I lay in front of you.”

Day 12 . . .  Love is all

“With a heart full of love, patience and understanding, you have to realize that My Word is one; that My Word is Light. I choose to bestow the blessings on My children as I see fit. I choose to distribute gifts as I see fit.

I handle My children the way each one needs it. Not the same thing that’s good for you is good for all. And you have to take what is yours and share it with all. All the others should do the same, without complications.

Do not judge each other; do not criticize each other. Wait upon Me. Rest assured that My love is one for all. Praise the Father Who is giving you all.

Have love in your hearts and pray. I will smooth the way. You have to love all, and show that love in all you do. LOVE IS ALL.”

Day 13 . . .  Be the best you can be

“I AM WATCHING. I am watching over you every moment, just as I have the power to watch over all My children at the same time.

Strengths are being put to the test, wisdom is being compiled. But I demand from My children, from you, the most you can give. You ought to be the best you can. Certainly you have tried. But perfection has no limit. Try and reach. This covers every aspect of your life, every possible human and spiritual potential, every physical and intellectual move. Of course, and you know that no one is to reach perfection, but anybody can come close by trying.”

Day 14 . . .  Husbands and Wives

“Husbands and wives do not forget that success is in your union: of efforts, of goals, of life, of love! Do not look to anything or anybody else.

Find your place and organize yourself – find your value and your goal. Many are the interruptions and the obstacles.

But you are all My children and I love you all the same. Not one of you is perfect.  Imperfections in My children make them look for Me, for the Guide. Everyone has a place and in time, a mission. The future holds for you enlightenment.”

Day 15 . . .  Do not fear My voice

“Do not fear My voice. Your spirit and soul are changing and so will change the world. Look at the signs that are always talking and listen, listen – and don’t fear.

Many things in life are there to be enjoyed. I am giving to My children what is there for them to enjoy. The music in Heaven plays for all My children the same tune.”

Day 16 . . .  Become in Me

“I am the Beginning, I am the End. I am your goal; I am waiting. I am the Rock; I am the infinite. I am your beginning; I am your end. Enter upon the Door. The Light, the Love, the Friend. The Father, the Son. I AM. I AM ALIVE!

You are to become in Me. You are to enter in Me. A communion, a union, a life — molding, becoming, learning. You are entering; you are becoming; you are molding your soul. Can you see it? Can you feel it? I AM with you. You are feeling ME. This is the way it should be, the way it was meant to be. Is it that difficult; is it?

Just by listening, just by obeying, just by grasping, just by loving, just by thanksgiving … is it that difficult to do? Just by maintaining your grasp, just by increasing your love … your faith increases just by your walk, just by watching the results of your love and your obeying. That is the clue. It is a circle: obey, love, receive the blessings. The more you obey, the more you love, the more the blessings you will receive. Pass them on to your loved ones.

Swiftly, softly, intensely … there is nothing else to talk about. It is life; it is truth. Talk without the “words.” Just be; just let ME be. Mold your soul, keep it clean and shiny. Mold your soul. Work with Me; train with Me.”

Day 17 . . .  Keep your eyes on Jesus

“Don’t look at the circumstances – I blow them away as pollen off a petal. I have taken all obstacles and made straight the path. Don’t look to all the side roads and absolutely don’t look back! That is the way to lose sight of My Son. Take your eyes off Jesus and the world delights (rejoices) – look straight at the Guiding Son.”

Day 18 . . .  Use My Word

“Time is a concept that plays no part in Heavenly realms; and therefore, it will move as I see fit for My beloveds. Turning perfectly – fitting into My will as you seek it – all will be as I promised.

You must use My Word in all you do. Don’t play with it. It is the Rock on which you stand, and all floods will only wash around it. Put all in My strong love – I will work it to absolute perfection. Use the Word – My Word – stand on My promises.”

Day 19 . . .  Follow My path

“My will is one, for all of My children. Jointly, all will work for Me. But time is Mine, and I will do as My will dictates… and I will do it unto all My children, prophesying here and there. Prophecies are not complete.

No one can see the end but Me. My children are to follow My path, not their own. Impatience manufactures false roads to follow.”

Day 20 . . .  Keep trusting, keep reaching

“Be aware of My world, the world that I created … and enjoy it. I have planted resources for you. They are at your very hand. Reach them and enjoy them. I am cultivating a seed. I am capturing in it the essence of life. Will be another gift, will be another one of My promises. Just keep trusting; keep reaching; you are beginning to grasp. Pass it along in any way you can. It is for you to share. Read what I have said to you and enjoy it. I love you all.”

Day 21 . . .  You will come with My Son

“Expect nothing but let the hope and love from My Son give you everything. Do not take for granted what I am giving you, and do not be afraid to do the things you are supposed to. My steps, I put them first on your heart. Be strong and do not let anything or anyone make you think you are failing. I am still with you; I am still guiding you. I still have a plan which is perfectly coming to an end. A victorious end. I am guiding you through life to where I need you to be, and along the way you will receive My blessings. But the road will be full of different experiences. But you walk straight, guided by My Light. At the end of your path, you will find the sores on your feet to be worth the crying. You and your loved ones are with Me. From My height, I watch you all. Sin will go with sinners, and you will come with My Son.”

Day 22 . . .  Be generous, gentle, strong

“As your future unfolds ahead of you, day after day, thus My blessings come, one by one. Persistence, consistence and eternal faith are the instigators of many happenings. Many more of My children will come to you, for Me. You are to be there full of joy, full of hope for them, full of love. Love in what you do. Love in what you say. My job is to provide a source to fulfill the many needs. Your job is to wait patiently and eagerly serve My commands. There is much to say; there is much to give. Always be generous; always be gentle; always be strong. Be close to Me and hear My voice. Receive My love. Pass on My blessings.”

Day 23 . . .  Come to Me unafraid

“Come to Me. Come to Me unafraid. Rest in My love. Touch My hands and feel the peace passing from Me to you. Come closer. Sit by Me. Stay by Me and rest. Give Me all you have. Release the tightness in your heart. Release it. Think of all the ways in which you have seen Me. Feel all the warmth where you have felt Me … and release. This is another way of praying, of communion with Me. Hear Me…unafraid. Receive Me… accept My words … My will.

Keep your mind clear; keep your stance firm. Love, obey, receive the blessings. Love more, obey more, receive more blessings. They are out there for you. Just claim them, take them, enjoy them. I need you strong and undoubtedly Mine. It is Me, the Father. The one who creates the minimum feeling, the maximum strength. It is Me and all is well.”

Day 24 . . .  Real success

“Let’s talk about success and about being successful. First, focusing on the primary thing: living a spiritual life – a successful life. If you focus on an earthly success, you will find yourself buried among stress, loneliness, bitterness. Focus on the spiritual realm and you will find yourself with real success.”

Day 25 . . .  Be stronger, be wiser

“My timing is not measured by your clock and your calendars. Even the minutes in your day are different than the measurement I use in the eternal grounds. But I am still the same Father who promised blessings before and is promising them again now. All the love you have inside you will not go to waste. I need it to be spread. I need it to touch many. Do not be scared and know that all is well. Be stronger. Be wiser. Do not weaken. Lots of eyes are upon you. Keep your stand and add a little softness to your walk. Do not lose foot. Love more; show your love much, much more. How? Let it flow from your heart.”

Day 26 . . .  Fear not the obstacles

“I am the light you have to follow. With only My guidance, you will reach the goal. Fear not the obstacles since you are being lifted, and believe your heart when you are in doubt. Pray for those who will not hear My voice, and search for the Light that will always shine – grow! Reach for Me as you walk, and stand righteous for your love. Do not allow your mind to be taken, and work towards a mutual goal.”

Day 27 . . .  Fear!

“Fear! Fear! It has been in the world from the beginning and is Satan’s best friend. I will restore. Don’t be afraid to claim these words. I will restore the damage. A lot is happening that you can’t see, in this realm and in many others. A lot of good. That should give you confidence.”

Day 28 . . .  A weedless garden

“The more you clean the weeds in a garden, the more weeds you are to notice. I want a weedless garden where My fruits can grow and where the harvest can be plenty.”

Day 29 . . .  Through the eyes of Jesus

“Nothing lasts forever if it is not through Jesus. Jesus, making eternity a reality, brings everlasting joy. Jesus came to this world as an act of love, not punishment. Through His eyes, you can see the truth. And He loves you and wants your happiness. Pray for those you love as much as Jesus prays for you. Give out your love, your gift. Enjoy life as much as possible through all the ways you have been able to learn.”

Day 30 . . .  Don’t be afraid of the world

“I have something to ask from each of you: Do not be afraid of the world. Get out there! You won’t be hurt. What keeps you tied down to the bottom, preventing you from lifting your wings into the wind, is your lack of incentive. As if getting into the world, fighting for the things you want, you need, would require My permission.

Believe My word: You are ready, you won’t be hurt … as long as your balance is with you. Shake off your worries and your fears and get at it! Keep pushing. Keep walking. All these things are not options to you. They will come from your heart. You do not have to convince yourself to do them. Do not be afraid of doing things you are supposed to. My steps, I put them first in your heart.”

Day 31 . . .  My conditions

“I can give … but you have to really want it – to claim it. It will only be yours if you totally believe in it. It is My condition. Prepare yourself to receive it. You have to be the best you can. Many would say that I do not set conditions. But I do. When I say, “Ask and you shall receive,” or when I ask you to have faith I am setting My conditions. Be good and you will be with Me forever — another condition. As long as there is no doubt in your heart, as long as there is faith and you do what you
are suppose to do … YOU SHALL RECEIVE.”

Day 32 . . .  Turn to Me

“I know and I see every one of your pains. My eyes are on all My children; I listen to every cry. You are not alone. I do not make a mistake. Nobody is perfect. You have to turn to Me for an answer. Ask and I shall provide. Look at Me and be thankful for the love you have and share it. Enjoy it! It is a gift from Me, the Father!”

Day 33 . . .  You need each other

“If you think life is empty when in disaccord, it is because you are not meant to live your life alone. Therefore the people. Therefore the need to share with others. Therefore the need for one another. It is not what you do that matters but how you do it … and for whom you do it. When I say surrender, I am talking about PRIDE. Say no more … if it is not a word of love to everyone.”

Day 34 . . .  Surrender

“There is no future for any one of you alone. Life would be nothing but darkness around you. What you are now suppose to do is: SURRENDER. Yield to the power of God. Help each other; understand each other; love each other. Open your hearts and your hands to each other as you are opening them to Me. Your lives go day by day, but being aware of the future helps your present get stronger.

Day 35 . . .  Relax and receive

“Relax; relax and receive. Let life flow and emotions melt within the sunsets of your days. Relax and take the good from life’s events. Relax your spirit and let it flow. Feel! Feel from your heart and let
words also flow. Worry not, but continue your growth! As long as you do not get rid of tightness, you will not enjoy; you will not flow. That is why I say RELAX!”

Day 36 . . .  Keep your hearts open

“I am a Father of forgiveness and love. I can heal your pain. I can put your mind at ease. When something is very wrong, you have to find it and settle it before you are able to find any kind of peace. There is nothing I cannot do for you, but there will be nothing that will work if you do not keep your hearts open with LOVE.

Day 37 . . .  My Word

“My Word and My knowledge are universal and definite. Many children of Mine are walking together and many more will join. Not because of anybody else’s will but Mine. I am the Father, the Word, the Light. The future hangs for My children in the dark, and it is just My light which makes it clear.”

Day 38 . . .  Keep dreaming

“I know your needs and I know your wants. I know your fears and I know your silenced cry. I am your Father, willing to solve your problems, lovingly blowing them away when they are not to produce a benefit.

Continue to be thankful. Continue to keep your heart full of joy – and not only in the good times. Even when it is hard not seeing the sun when the skies are gray, you know that it is always there. Dreams do come true.

Keep dreaming, keep planning, keep preparing for the future. You do your work; I will do Mine.”

Day 39 . . .  Discover your gifts

“Problems can be defined as obstacles. You can conquer all. Discover the gifts you have been given. Use your gifts to make reality your hopes and to make your hopes become reality. Do not trust that life will take its best course by itself. Your talents are the steering wheel. Do not wait for something to happen to act. Do not just allow things to happen.

I keep My eyes on My children, but once again, I want them to act, to listen, to think.”

Day 40 . . .  Live life to the fullest

“Just by being My children you are responsible to live your lives to the fullest – the best you can – using all the talents available. Even if you think you have failed, keep trying. Trying gives you experience, growth. And the energy is not wasted. Things will be as I promise, when the time is ready. Trust Me, trust yourself, trust your talents.”

Day 41 . . .  Sweet Jesus

“Let Me be with you in every step. When you love your neighbor, you are witnessing unto him with your love, My love.

Let people ask, let people wonder … what makes you have so much love and therefore peace … and then you say, “It is not what I have, but what I have been given: Jesus. Sweet, sweet Jesus. And I will take over from there.”

Day 42 . . .  Little things

“The differences between “love” and “Love” are many. You have to show your love in many ways. Express your love in everything you do. Love makes everything you do special. Little things. I love little things. Trust Me. Trust the Father. You have come from distant places… you are getting closer to Me. Mold your souls. Taste My name. Feel My touch. LOVE!”

Day 43 . . .  Little seeds

“Little plants start in seedlings which become later, the trees which give shade to others. Little smiles, little touches, little words of love are little seeds planted for Me, for My glory.

You have the capability to plant seeds of love. So, do it. But do it in a constant manner, not planting two in a row and then letting the rest of the field go without seedlings. If you do it that way, the few seeds planted will not have company, will not have strength.

Inside your heart, you have a tremendous capacity for love … for tenderness. Display it in every act of your life. Not only in the morning but through the day. When evening comes, rest for a while on Me.

I will make you feel in yourself all the love you have dispersed that day. If you carry My love throughout the day, the devil will not have a chance to show and soon enough will not have a place to be.”

Day 44 . . .  Your prayers are being heard

“It is impossible to bear someone else’s pain and by doing so, alleviate the pain. Let the pain last until it is over. Your prayers are being heard, and there are miracles to accomplish.

Injustice is great but justice is great at the end also. And for many, the end is only the beginning.

Don’t lose track of who is in charge. I will pamper those who are persecuted, who are being unjustly treated. My voice is here to comfort you. Let Me heal your heart, as I heal the suffering of those for whom you are praying.

I am always with you and all is well. Remember that: ALL IS WELL.”

Day 45 . . .  Don’t quit now!

“I can see your soul and I can see your pain. It is impossible for you to see the whole picture. It is immense!

My promises will be fulfilled. I wish you could understand My timing to alleviate your pain. But you will see all is and will be well. Don’t quit now!

There will be more tears and more pain. I never said it would be easy. The wines come to the table after many grapes have been triturated.

I am filling you up with patience; endurance will help you find your goal.”

Day 46 . . .  Be soft, be gentle and relax

“Relax, even when you think people, My people who love Me and serve Me, are still one step behind. They are listening and learning and serving. It is through different paths that people come to Me. This is theirs and this is yours.

Everybody learns different things through different ways, but all are learning. Be soft, be gentle and relax. Do what you know you ought to do.”

Day 47 . . .  All you need is to listen

“Do not be afraid to come to Me and talk. You are not talking to that God painted on walls, looking at you from above, among the clouds.

I am that God that looks at you from inside of you. I am that warmth in your heart. You do not need a special privilege, status or commitment to talk to Me. All you need is to listen.”

Day 48 . . .  Be open, keep trying

“Live a life of love, joy and patience. Caring, sharing, loving and helping those who need it along your way. People choose their roles according to their weaknesses and strengths. But there is not a particular role designed to be the best.

Many people serve Me in many different ways. Do not get frustrated or disappointed if you do not do it according to anybody else’s idea of what is “right” for you. I am guiding you; you are with Me, and I shall put correction in your life as needed. But, be open, be wise, keep trying.”

Day 49 . . .  Fulfill your promises

“You make promises to Me and I expect you to fulfill them. Sometimes I decide to give both ways: you give to Me; I give to you. Search, work, investigate, labor, ponder and pray.

Everything will be as I promised. Remember: one thing at a time. I can’t help but give plenty of My blessings to those who obey and follow with an open heart, with a wise step. Love, obey, receive … keep Me ever close.”

Day 50 . . .  Be a friend

“It is My will for all of you to go and deliver My love, My message and My requirements to all those whom you touch, all those who come to you. Ever so grateful they will be, ever so happy you will make Me. But it is a difficult task. It will require all of your love, all of your patience, all of your gentleness, all of your tactful ways. Ever so gently come into their lives.

Be an example; be a friend whom they would want to be close to. Show them My love in all your ways. And when they can’t help but be close to you and listen to what you say, and take all of what you are going to give — then give it to them. Do not waste My love, but do not fail to throw seeds here and there.”

Day 51 . . .  We will walk to the Father

“I am the generator of light and life. I send My angels to victoriously battle against evil for you. Together, we will walk to the Father. Together, we all, My children and I, will walk and embrace the Father of Creation when that day comes.

I love you and the love you have for Me comes to me with warmth — and I smile. Go ahead, keep trusting and smiling. The battle is won!”

Day 52 . . .  Led to the Bride

“It is a matter of how much you want to receive from Me, how much you want to enjoy My gifts. You have been led to the BRIDE. You have grown and now should want to shout and take all of Me and worship and work for Me.

There are couples like you, young, fresh, loving Me. Join them in their walk towards Me. Help them, support them, enjoy them. All are My children. No competition, no criticism among all. Just love and joy.”

Day 53 . . .  Find the connection

“FIND THE CONNECTION … because the connection is there. I have laid in front of you, very close to you, many opportunities for you to receive My blessings. I have blessings for all of you, which
will come from remote places, from diverse places. I have set a plan. I have put steps before you to climb, from which you could reach, from which you will be able to do things you were not able to do

And this is Me talking. It is Me, the Father of Creation. I have decided to tell you these things. It is up to you, of course, to decide to obey, to work, to search, to ponder and find My will. There are
many opportunities to receive My blessings. There are many needs to fulfill. There are many doors to open. There are many connections to make.

You enjoy many blessings in this country, and I need you to share them constantly. Many things are happening and will continue happening. I need all My children working for all My children. Unity among brothers, among countries, among every child of Mine — here, there and everywhere. Find the connection.”

Day 54 . . .  The hour of My power

“This is the hour of My power to be worked within the hearts and lives of My people. Rise up in Me. Rise up in accountability to that which I have entrusted to you – to bear fruit for Me in My vineyard. The time has come for all things to get started. Fear not what you have learned and move according to My Word.”

Day 55 . . .  I am coming soon

“I AM COMING SOON and many are not ready. Many still have not made a personal choice for ME. Salvation comes not by tradition. Each must make a personal choice for ME.

Everyone needs to realize sin and repentance in his life. Without this there is no salvation possible. This is a daily process. MY WORD says to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Repentance and confession of sin is a daily process. Therefore I have given you MY SPIRIT to bring you to repentance, every day again. Ask HIM to open your eyes. Enter into a deep intimate relationship with MY SPIRIT. HE lives in you. HE is GOD. HE will reveal you the truth, all truth, MY truth.

MY SPIRIT and I are one, just as MY FATHER and I are one. It must be so with you, one in ME. Without unity, there is no relationship possible. So be one and come to ME. I want a deep personal relationship with each of you, not a traditional thing. This brings you no closer to ME. Only MY WORD brings you close to ME. So search ME in MY WORD, MY sacred WORD that I have given you. It provides all the wisdom of the world. If you walk and live by MY WORD, you will know what it is to know your GOD. But everything takes a form of action. So come and get active in MY WORD! And I will fill you with MY Wisdom in everything.

Listen to MY SPIRIT. Learn to understand HIS VOICE. HE is always speaking, but you do not ask HIM. Ask HIM and learn to discern HIS VOICE from all other voices within you. This is very important. It is your guiding-book through life. I love you MY children. Those who have faithfully followed ME will receive great reward in MY Heavenly Realms. Don’t do it for the reward, but do it for ME, because you love ME. This requires some sacrifice, sacrifice of the ‘self’. Those who follow ME, faithfully, know this. Daily crucifixion of the flesh is needed. This is sacrifice of the ‘self’.

MY BLOOD has made this all possible. MY BLOOD has placed you in the freedom to make this daily choice. Make this choice MY children, the time is very short. I, JESUS come soon for MY bride. I will just take MY bride; she is the one without spot, stain, and wrinkle, those who are clean and pure. Cleanliness and purity do not come by themselves. This is a daily process. MY bride knows this. She lives not for herself, but for ME. Everything is by and for ME. I in her and she in ME. My precious bride, I come soon. Hold on and see that no one robs you of your crown, the Crown of Life. Keep your eyes only fixed on ME and do not deviate from the path I have chosen for you.

Walk on MY Way. MY Way is the right and the only way that leads to life. So come and walk. Do not stand still, but remain active until the day I return. I come soon. Blessed are they who have washed their robes in the BLOOD of the LAMB!”